To our Fuelies and our future Fuelies,

We would like to commend you for staying strong as we continue to navigate COVID-19. At the Fueling Station, we are dedicated to taking every step necessary to protect our community. We want to ensure the health and safety of our members and employees and are committed to creating the safest co-working space in Canada.

We are staying informed and closely adhering to the global and local health authorities recommendations regarding prevention and management. Ensuring our members can continue to work safely in a clean environment.

Here is what we have done or are in the works of planning to create a healthier Fueling Station:

Cleanliness Measures

We are building a touch-free co-working environment. This includes, touch-free soap dispensers, hand towel dispensers and faucets in the kitchen and washrooms, and a automatic door opening system. We also will have additional waste paper bins outside of doors to encourage using a tissue or paper towel to open door.

We have been in close communication with our janitorial team to ensure all cleaning and disinfecting products meet Health Canada’s requirements for emerging viral pathogens. They have been taking extra time with regularly touched areas of the office (doors and door handles, washrooms, etc).

Hand sanitizers and disinfectants will be available in all meeting rooms, at reception, in common area’s, and at each entrance. Air Filtration system filters have been upgraded and replaced more frequently.


Our kitchen area has been rearranged to allow for more physical distancing. Tables and chairs have been reduced and signage will indicate how many persons should be in an area at a time. Also in our kitchen, individually wrapped treats will be available in the kitchen for the foreseeable future so you can get your snack on while staying safe. Our coffee machine will still be available with disinfecting wipes to wipe down touch screen before and after use.

A distances area will be created around the reception area as well as a plexiglass shield is being installed to protect our members and employees. A more open area for package pick-up and delivery is being created in the front. In addition, delivered packages will be sprayed with disinfectant.


At The Fueling Station we value our community and therefor will remain in consistent communication with our members about changes that are made in the office. Signage will be strategically posted around the building to offer reminders of practices that directly impacts our community.

A large part of building a business is communicating with your team and clients. Since face-to-face meetings will be limited, we have dedicated an office to being a Virtual Conference Room which can be booked through our app or online. It will include a high resolution web camera, better sound acoustics, and a microphones. This room will not be booked back-to-back, allowing us time to sanitize in between uses.

The Fueling Station is a community based co-working space and so we have curated an app dedicated to keeping our community alive since events and Lunch & Learns will be postponed until further notice. Members will be able to communicate, see local promotions and services available to them, book meeting rooms/virtual conference rooms, and more at their fingertips.

We welcome any questions regarding our practices so please feel free to email or call us.